Tuesday, November 22, 2011
My Profile K
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Me In Three

ted. One night, my friend and I spent three hours catching 13 mackerels outside our home. I was very proud of both of us. Later that summer, in our cabin, my grandma and I caught one cod each. That was cool. It was also very fun when I caught a 50cm long mackerel and then took a picture with it. Even so, fishing was fun and it was a great summer.
The second thing I love the most is my tennis racket because I play tennis more than anything else. I am very interested

The last thing I want to share with you is my ocarina. It is an blowing instrument made of clay. Blowing into the mout
hpiece gives a soft sound almost like a pan flute and this sound really makes me relaxed and happy. I have many different instruments because I really like playing music. I was even in band for two years at ISKL. This ocarina is now my favorite instrument. It was bought in Melbourne, Australia this summer. I was at a handicraft market and I was really bored. Suddenly, my dad touched shoulder and told me they had ocarinas there. I was so happy because I had searched everywhere on the Internet to find one. And there it was, the perfect one. It was brown and had four holes in it. I bought it and it was in my hand. It was better than best. I never thought I would ever see one. It came with a leather strap so I could hang it around my neck. I started playing right away. I am really into this videogame called Zelda and I think the music there is so beautiful because it is played on the ocarina.

So these are the three most important items to describe me. It shows what I really do during my free time and they all represent me. I really enjoy getting to own these wonderful things. They are always going to be memories glued into my head, and I would never replace them.
The first thing I would like to introduce to you is my fishing rod. It is about a meter and a half and it’s fully black colored. I got it from my dad and he was the one who encouraged me to fish. The first day he taught me practice throwing in a small pond right outside our backyard. After some frustration and confusion, I got it right and I was off to real fishing. There are two things I hate the most about fishing. Its when the fishing line gets jammed, and when the hook is in my finger. Fishing was almost the only thing I did over the summer because it was so fun to fish. It is very exciting when suddenly a fish is hooked, then the rod bends and the line vibrates. Then I suddenly get become focused and try my best to get the fish. When I see the fish coming out of the water, I get very excited. One night, my friend and I spent three hours catching 13 mackerels outside our home. I was very proud of both of us. Later that summer, in our cabin, my grandma and I caught one cod each. That was cool. It was also ver
The second thing I love the most is my tennis racket because I play tennis more than anything else. I am very interested in watching Federer play and I like learning from him on TV. I enjoy playing tennis, but I have no interest in becoming a pro. My goal is to be able to beat my family and peers. I am still working my way there, but the goal will be complete. At first I just started to play a little, then I became crazy about it. I worked really hard thr
The last thing I want to share with you is my ocarina. It is an blowing instrument made of clay. Blowing into the mouthpiece gives a soft sound almost like a pan flute and this sound really makes me relaxed and happy. I have many different instruments because I really like playing music. I was even in band
So these are the three most important items to describe me. It shows what I really do during my free time and they all represent me. I really enjoy getting to own these wonderful things. They are always going to be memories glued into my head, and I would never replace them.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Me In Three

The first thing I would like to introduce to you is my fishing rod. It is about a meter and a half and it’s fully black colored. I got it from my dad and he was the one who encouraged me to fish. The first day he taught me practice throwing in a small pond right outside our backyard. After some frustration and confusion, I got it right and I was off to real fishing. There are two things I hate the most about fishing. Its when the fishing line gets jammed, and when the hook is in my finger. Fishing was almost the only thing I did over the summer because it was so fun to fish. It is very exciting when suddenly a fish is hooked, then the rod bends and the line vibrates. Then I suddenly get become focused and try my best to get the fish. When I see the fish coming out of the water, I get very excited. One night, my friend and I spent three hours catching 13 mackerels outside our home. I was very proud of both of us. Later that summer, in our cabin, my grandma and I caught one cod each. That was cool. It was also ver

The second thing I love the most is my tennis racket because I play tennis more than anything else. I am very interested in watching Federer play and I like learning from him on TV. I enjoy playing tennis, but I have no interest in becoming a pro. My goal is to be able to beat my family and peers. I am still working my way there, but the goal will be complete. At first I just started to play a little, then I became crazy about it. I worked really hard thr
The last thing I want to share with you is my ocarina. It is an blowing instrument made of clay. Blowing into the mouthpiece gives a soft sound almost like a pan flute and this sound really makes me relaxed and happy. I have many different instruments because I really like playing music. I was even in band

So these are the three most important items to describe me. It shows what I really do during my free time and they all represent me. I really enjoy getting to own these wonderful things. They are always going to be memories glued into my head, and I would never replace them.
Funny, happy, smart
Son of Runar and Una
Animal lover
Tennis player
Sad that fish died
Happy going to see Ayers Rock
Surprised of getting good grades
Falling down from a tree
Walking on Ayers Rock
Being in car crashes
Caught 13 mackerels
Gotten good friends
Wants to go to L.A
Wants to become a VET
Kuala Lumpur
My final draft of my name
My name
My name is a very rare and special name. It’s Gard. My name is similar to a famous Norwegian Viking named Gerd. In 1999, the year I was born, the name Gard was growing in its popularity around the whole world. Seven hundred and fourty-four people are named Gard in the world. In the Norwegian language, its meaning is ‘fence’ or ‘enclosure’.
When I was 7 or 8, I wanted to change my name because I thought it was dumb. I wanted to change it to Bryal. He was a cool guy my cousin told me about and I really wanted to be like him. I was not much of a fan of my name because people teased me by saying, “Gard the guard, please Gard us.” Even though a guard is strong, I still liked to be called by my name.
I only like being called as ‘Gardy’ by people I know well. Other than that, I prefer being called Gard. The person who decided my name was my sister. She said my name should be either Gard or Matts. Finally, she ended up choosing Gard instead. I like my name now but, did not like it before but now I do. I have no plans changing my name to something else when I get older.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Last 6th Grade Blog ever!
What I am most proud of is the letter I made during "The White Mountains" unit, because when I did it my dad just asked me a few questions and then I wrote down a lot and that helped. It also made me very happy when I saw my grade the next day. I wrote very much by just answering a few questions and giving examples and evidence. It made it a lot easier to do homework when I just had a few questions to answer. Otherwise I could easily get stuck on my assignment like a blogpost, google doc, note taking sheet, etc.
I have had 2 very challenging assignments in 6th grade. Ancient Egyptian Dairy and the first lit circle I ever did. The dairy was hard because we had to do three dairy entries and we had to do note taking sheets, drafts and our finals for all 3 of them. I also found my first lit circle very complicated because I had never done that much work in only one assignment before. I found it very hard to do because the book I was reading called "Call It Courage" was very confusing.
I learned that throughout 6th grade I could write a lot and do things well if I was organized and concentrated a little bit more. Even though I still need to improve those 2 things I still have grown and improved in both areas. My organizational skills are better because now my locker is cleaned up and now I finish my assignments on time. I have also become better at concentrating by actually not having to ask anyone" What are we doing again?" My growth has helped me become a better student at school and if these 2 things gets better in 7th grade, it will make it even easier in school next year.
I think that my behavior in class was satisfactory, but sometimes Mrs. Narsiman has had to split me and my friend, if we were chatting too much. By the end of this year I think I actively participate in class and try my best when it comes to homework and in class work. Actually, my organizational skills are satisfactory at the moment because I manage to finish almost everything on time. I put a lot of effort into all of my work but I have had some issues getting started with it. But otherwise I do my best, so I would give myself "satisfactory".
I plan to become very organized in 7th grade and get good grades because it makes it easier in school and it is more motivating when it comes to doing homework. To finish things on time, hand them in before the deadline and making sure I do my best, will be my targets for next year. I also have to be more organized when it comes to remembering my school papers and all the supplies for class.
I also plan to improve my effort on getting started. I always do my best, but I now have a goal to actually start the minute I open the document. I will try not to think so hard and take such a long time, just to start on something very easy to do.
I would like to tell the teachers that they are all very awesome and that they all have helped me with mostly everything in 6th grade. I am also going to do my best to complete the goals I have set for grade 7 and get good grades and make sure I do my best with any assignment I get.
I want to tell the class of 2018 that middle school is going to be the greatest thing ever. They will get the best teachers no matter which teacher they are going to have. Pi day and many awesome field trips. They also will of course love Malaysia Week!!! The second best thing with middle school is the most amazing MS parties! I think that the new grade 6 will say the same thing and I think they will love the first year of MS.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Blogpost #5
Monday, March 21, 2011
The Dairy Of Nakthi
I got some water and gave it to Ti and took some myself. I was halfway on finishing the jar and suddenly the pharaoh came. She just walked by me but she was angry at Ti because he made a tiny mistake so he started over again. She told me to make the jar bigger and so she threw it in the Nile and I also had to start from all over again. But Ti and I just started doing our jobs so she could not expect us to do great. But this happened every day so it did not matter. I only wish that our pharaoh could also do some hard work and not only us. But I had a good friend to be with to work with.
I got home and my dad came home after a while but my mom was far away in the desert because she was forced to give a message to the other kingdom to start war and who would own the red amulet. When my dad came home from scribe school he was very exhausted and so he had to go an sleep strait away. I nearly see him and when I do he is to tired and goes to sleep. So I went to sleep after 2 hours.
The next day I finished the jar and gave it to Isis. She was so impressed and told me if I could continue like that she would give my family a bit more food. I was very happy and so I rushed and told my dad that I made the pharaoh very impressed. He was shocked and he told me if I make the pharaoh happy a few more times then my mom does not have to travel anymore and so of course I accepted that.
Later that day, I was on my way to the kingdom and today when I came up to the pharaoh she told me to work with the more advanced potters! I thanked her so much and rushed out of the kingdom. I saw Ti and I noticed he was going way. I ran over to him and asked why he was not going to the Nile. He told me he also became an advanced over the night and was so glad. Now we both are gonna live a better life and so we both went our different ways. I went to the Nile still because the clay workers had to wet clay in the river to make any pot, jar or anything.
After that afternoon I went home. On my way home I met Ti again and he had made a very nice skirt for the pharaoh. I really liked it and he liked the ¼ of my jug as well. When I reached my home my mom was there by a surprise and I gave her a big hug. I now got our family wealthiness and we lived great life and after a few years I became a scribe like my father.
After 17 more years my father did not obey Isis and so she killed him. I want to take my revenge on her so I didn’t obey her and she was threatening me but she did not kill me yet because I was very good in scribe school and so she wanted me there. The other tragic thing was that Ti died on our way home from the Nile a few years ago. The reason he died was because he tripped on a rock and got venom in his blood and so he died. That was the most depressing thing in my life.
When I woke up this morning I felt funny and so I got up. I was so tired but today was our pharaohs birthday and so we had to work very hard today to finish our gifts for her. She was cruel so I didn’t really want to give her anything but I had to do it anyways. Or she would punish me and maybe kill me. I didn’t really want that to happen so I obeyed her no matter what. But since I’ve done this for such a long time it became easier every year. So I started going to work when my dad said that he was going to the Nile with me today to see what I was doing good at. So we both went down there and I met Ti, my good friend. He was a weaver and I was a potter and we both had to make a gift. I made a beautiful pot for her and Ti made an amazing skirt. We were very happy with it and we both hoped the pharaoh would appreciate it. My dad was very impressed with both of us and he said that the pharaoh would love. But I don’t know and neither does he. When we finally finished our last details we very so happy and exhausted. Later that day we played games and had fun. The bad part was that since I was a vegetarian there was barely any food for me or my family. But it did not matter. Now we sang for her then, we were giving the presents! Now I was nervous. What if the pharaoh did not like it then she might torture me or my family. I was the second last person on the list and so the guard called my name. I walked up with an outstanding pot covered in soft silk. Pharaoh Isis screamed! She was so happy and told me I could take a day of just relaxing. She loved it. Now the guard called Ti! After the ceremony Ti came outside where I was standing and she really liked the skirt. And so we were both really happy and safe.
It was early in the morning and I was getting ready to go to the market to buy some clay but first, I had to get dressed. After I did that I went dashing to the market. When I reached my area I ran to the booth, I grabbed the clay, payed the booth keeper and ran off to the Nile. I had a big day today because the project that I was doing was to make an appealing jar for our pharaoh Isis. She was very powerful for the moment so if I did not make her happy, she would execute me and my family. So I tried my best to finish my jar quickly and glamorous. After the dry day of hard work I sprinted to the kingdom and asked Isis when I had to be finished in a nice way. I had half a day to finish it and then I thought that it would not be to hard. So I went back to the Nile and continued on my jar. I suddenly noticed that there were berries right beside me and so I used them for color. I let it dry for two hours and so I was almost done. When I finished it I took a long water break because I was exhausted from the overheating day. I went to the kingdom and I actually impressed Isis and she said told me to make a pot or she would kill me. I hated her actually but I had no choice but to obey her and to attend her. I went home hungry and so I got some vegetables and ate some leftover bread from yesterday. I was so tired that I fell asleep on the rock table. So the next day I woke up and my parents weren’t here! Then I just remembered that they went to the Red Sea to fish for Isis. I was home alone and so I went to the market and got clay and went to the Nile talking a bit with Ti. My best and only friend. People got angry at me for not making good jars, pots or anything like them. But I was so young so it wasn’t my fault. I started on a pot I wanted to give to Ti but, Isis would have found out and killed me so I did the same thing like I did everyday. Create things for Isis. But I did this everyday so I did not really mind since I’ve done this for 3 years already. When I talked with Ti he said that he had already died once but because of the sacred amulet he got from his ancestors. So this was his afterlife and he had met Anubis. And of course it had to be true. Or maybe it was a dream. But I belive him and said that it would be interesting to also be in the world of death but I did not want to die unless I had to. It was nice talking to Ti but now I had to go because my parents are supposed to come tomorrow. I was going to make some dinner for them and so I rushed to the market. I got all the supplies and when I got home I became so sleepy. I now just wanted to go to sleep and so I did. The next day I woke up a little earlier to get dinner later on early. After that was done I rushed to work. I saw Ti on my way and he was very happy with the new skirt he had made for Isis. He suddenly tripped on a snake and the snake attacked him. I jumped and banged the clay against it. I threw clay in his mouth and it became dry. Now it couldn’t bite us so we were safe. Then the mother came and we both ran for our lives. Ti fell and was shouting “Nakthi, Nakthi!!!!!” and I just ran because I was too scared to go back. Then, I did not know what happened to Ti after that. I fell into the Nile and almost drowned when the people from the other side of the river picked me up. They saved me and asked me who I was and where I was from. I told them I was from Isis’s kingdom and I was Nakthi. These guys hated Isis and I did as well. I asked if they could help me get home again and so they did. They got their boat and got me to the other side. I was so thankful and gave them clay so they could use it for something. Today was so warm and I was drenched with sweat after only an hour. I after that hour I walked up to the kingdom and told Isis that it was too hot for me today to work. She got the guard and he pulled me down to the underground. He chopped of my head and then I was gone forever. Now I wonder what will happen to my parents when they get back home. But I am excited about my afterlife.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Blogpost #3
Monday, March 14, 2011
The Importance of Beanpole
Thursday, March 10, 2011
So... how am I like Will?
Monday, February 7, 2011
About the Pharaohs
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The New Years Resolution Of Mine
My second new years resolution is to improve my grades. I am quite happy with my grades right now but if I make them even better then that will be awesome! Then if I get like a B+ I would still be in a good grade. I also want to improve them to get more free- time with my friends and play soccer.
My holiday was great! I saw my friends, family and my teachers. It was so nice to see my friends again and my family. My cousin had her birthday right before christmas and my other cousin had his after.
I had a great time at home but not in school because I was sick and got sinusitis because it was so cold.
On christmas we had a great time even tough my grandma was sick and barely joined us and that was sad but right now she here in Malaysia with us feeling better than ever! I didn't enjoy new year in 2010 because I fell asleep and so I missed the fireworks and this time my cousin couldn't celebrate new year with us because he had become sick just like my grandma but he is also feeling much better.
This was how my holiday was and even though it was not perfect it was a good one.