Monday, May 23, 2011

Last 6th Grade Blog ever!

I will really miss 6thgrade because we did so many fun things like Pi day, World math day, Malaysia Week and other field trips. The sad thing is also that so many people are leaving. In 7th grade I am going to have fewer of my old friends around, but I am sure I will make new ones.

What I am most proud of is the letter I made during "The White Mountains" unit, because when I did it my dad just asked me a few questions and then I wrote down a lot and that helped. It also made me very happy when I saw my grade the next day. I wrote very much by just answering a few questions and giving examples and evidence. It made it a lot easier to do homework when I just had a few questions to answer. Otherwise I could easily get stuck on my assignment like a blogpost, google doc, note taking sheet, etc.

I have had 2 very challenging assignments in 6th grade. Ancient Egyptian Dairy and the first lit circle I ever did. The dairy was hard because we had to do three dairy entries and we had to do note taking sheets, drafts and our finals for all 3 of them. I also found my first lit circle very complicated because I had never done that much work in only one assignment before. I found it very hard to do because the book I was reading called "Call It Courage" was very confusing.

I learned that throughout 6th grade I could write a lot and do things well if I was organized and concentrated a little bit more. Even though I still need to improve those 2 things I still have grown and improved in both areas. My organizational skills are better because now my locker is cleaned up and now I finish my assignments on time. I have also become better at concentrating by actually not having to ask anyone" What are we doing again?" My growth has helped me become a better student at school and if these 2 things gets better in 7th grade, it will make it even easier in school next year.

I think that my behavior in class was satisfactory, but sometimes Mrs. Narsiman has had to split me and my friend, if we were chatting too much. By the end of this year I think I actively participate in class and try my best when it comes to homework and in class work. Actually, my organizational skills are satisfactory at the moment because I manage to finish almost everything on time. I put a lot of effort into all of my work but I have had some issues getting started with it. But otherwise I do my best, so I would give myself "satisfactory".

I plan to become very organized in 7th grade and get good grades because it makes it easier in school and it is more motivating when it comes to doing homework. To finish things on time, hand them in before the deadline and making sure I do my best, will be my targets for next year. I also have to be more organized when it comes to remembering my school papers and all the supplies for class.

I also plan to improve my effort on getting started. I always do my best, but I now have a goal to actually start the minute I open the document. I will try not to think so hard and take such a long time, just to start on something very easy to do.

I would like to tell the teachers that they are all very awesome and that they all have helped me with mostly everything in 6th grade. I am also going to do my best to complete the goals I have set for grade 7 and get good grades and make sure I do my best with any assignment I get.

I want to tell the class of 2018 that middle school is going to be the greatest thing ever. They will get the best teachers no matter which teacher they are going to have. Pi day and many awesome field trips. They also will of course love Malaysia Week!!! The second best thing with middle school is the most amazing MS parties! I think that the new grade 6 will say the same thing and I think they will love the first year of MS.