Monday, February 27, 2012

Poem Questions

What does this poem mean to you?

I think this poem means that this person Sonia shared a bond with was gone at the end because he was to die. Now, Sonia has lost a person she really shared something with and it is obvious that he is alive because he has been gone for many years.

What questions does it raise for you?

I think this poem means that even though people can be different from their religion or skin color, they can always have some sort of bond which will make them be friends. I think that this poem is also saying that friendship can last forever, even if the person is with you or without you, dead or alive.

Monday, February 20, 2012

I agree

I agree that victims have either no options or limited options. I believe because I have been a victim myself and I never have any options than ignoring it. The other reason I agree is because I dont think that you can do anthing about something than avoiding it and if it becomes worse then I believe that you have limited options. If it for example is a bully that is bullying you until you have had enough, you don't have so many options because if you tell a teacher or parent or someone else, after they have talked to him/her, they might bring many people and beat you up really badly. I believe this because some of these things have happened to me before and I told a teacher and it got worse. That is why I agree that victims either have no options or just a few.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Eternal Jew

This was created in 1933 by David Pinsk. The Eternal Jew is a poster and a book. The Nazis were the people sending this message. This picture means that all jews are ugly and horrifying. The creator is probably a part of the Nazi party and he is trying to tell that you dont want to be like this man. I think all the men and women would be proud of themselves for being German and that they are following Hitler and not being the Jew.